
I’m passionate about accelerating software development and building scalable, efficient CI/CD workflows. With 15+ years of experience across DevOps & SRE, Blockchain, Backend, Full-stack, QA, and Mobile (iOS & Android), I have a deep understanding of software engineering from multiple perspectives.

My expertise lies in optimizing cloud infrastructure, automating workflows, and bridging development & operations to drive high-performance teams. I focus on high-SLA, cost-efficient solutions, enhancing developer experience, and ensuring DevSecOps best practices with ISO 27001 compliance.

As a DevOps Engineer Lead

誠品生活 eslite bookstore - DevOps Manager (2023-10 - now) @Taiwan


  1. Directly report to CIO
  2. Cloud Architect
    1. Network
    2. Hybrid Cloud
    3. CNCF
    4. micro services
  3. ISO 27001 compliance

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Python, Bash, Go, Ruby on Rails
Tools and Platforms: AWS, GCP, Azure, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Argo workflow, Cloudflare, CDN and WAF, CSPM, Terraform, Gitlab CI, Github Action, Nginx, Redis, PostgreSQL


  1. Cost Reduction: Save -20% cost in 3 months by getting involved several projects. Save cost without downtime and downgrade SLA.
    1. Save over a million in one year.
    2. Reduce Cloud Spending by 70% with a Spot and On-Demand Hybrid Strategy
  2. Compliance: Successfully achieved ISO 27001 compliance.
  3. Cloud Migration: Led migration from AWS to GCP.
  4. Kubernetes Adoption: Implemented EKS and GKE with Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
    1. Everything on Kubernetes Project
    2. Optimize Ruby on Rails on Kubernetes
    3. Migrated legacy Crontab jobs to Argo Workflow on EKS for scalable automation.
  5. Operational Improvements: Developed a ChatOps framework and lifecycle management system.
  6. Performance Optimization: Enhanced Web Performance and SEO through CloudFront and Lambda@Edge Optimization
  7. 2024 Overview
  8. Too many things, TBD.

Research Initiatives

  1. Istio cross GKE and on-premise Kubernetes
  2. Pixie on EKS
  3. Cloudflare Zero Trust

Binance - Sr. DevOps Engineer (2021-06 - 2023-08) @APAC

As an Sr. DevOps Engineer at Binance, I specialized in implementing GitHubOps within the Elastic Stack. I effectively managed and redefined the lifecycle of ETL pipelines, adopted Kubernetes, and migrated existing EC2, ECS, and Lambda services to Kubernetes. Notably, I reduced the time to launch a new ElasticSearch cluster from over 4 hours to just 30 minutes. Additionally, I implemented Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for more than 400 pipelines and 30 ElasticSearch clusters, managing over 300 nodes across multiple accounts and regions. My expertise included handling over 200 TB of traffic logs daily.

Technical Skills

Programming languages: Python, Bash, Go
Tools and platforms: Kubernetes, Helm, Elastic Stack, GitHub Action, Flux2, ArgoCD, AWS, Terraform, Elastic Stack, Docker


  1. ETL Lifecycle Management: Redefined the lifecycle of ETL pipelines by migrating existing EC2, ECS, and Lambda services to Kubernetes.
  2. Cluster Launch Efficiency: Decreased the time required to launch new ElasticSearch clusters from over 4 hours to just 30 minutes.
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Successfully implemented IaC for 400+ pipelines and 30+ ElasticSearch clusters, optimizing management across 300+ nodes and multiple accounts.
  4. Traffic Log Management: Effectively managed and processed over 200 TB of traffic logs daily, ensuring robust data handling and analysis capabilities.

SWAG (🔞NSFW) - DevOps Engineer (2019-04 - 2021-05) @Taipei

SWAG Live is a leading global media and entertainment company specializing in premium adult streaming content for worldwide audiences.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Python, Bash, Go
Tools & Platforms: Kubernetes, Nginx, Redis, MongoDB, GitHub Actions, Probot, Grafana, Prometheus, InfluxDB, Stackdriver, Elastic APM, CDN, Tencent Cloud, Aliyun, Cloudflare Workers, Google Cloud Run, Flux CD, Argo CD, CI/CD


  1. Kubernetes:
    1. Managed multi-cluster environments across regions.
    2. Researched multi-cluster communication solutions, including Istio, Consul, Linkerd, and Anthos.
    3. Maintained and optimized services on Kubernetes, such as Nginx, Redis, and MongoDB.
  2. CI/CD:
    1. Built CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions and Probot, distributing reusable and reliable components.
    2. Maintained a Slack bot implementing ChatOps for enhanced team collaboration.
  3. Monitoring:
    1. Implemented monitoring solutions using Grafana with Prometheus, InfluxDB, and Stackdriver.
    2. Utilized Elastic APM and Real User Monitoring (RUM) for performance optimization.
  4. Tencent Cloud:
    1. Accelerated content delivery to China through the use of ICP, CDN, Nginx, and L4 Load Balancer.
  5. Aliyun:
    1. Enhanced content delivery to China using Kubernetes, SLB, and EIP configurations.

Research Initiatives

  1. Explored GitOps tools like Flux CD and Argo CD for improved deployment processes.
  2. Investigated serverless architectures, including Cloudflare Workers and Google Cloud Run, to leverage modern cloud capabilities.
  3. Developed expertise in GCP networking technologies, such as Interconnect and Cloud Router, to optimize cloud solutions.

發燒互動 Feversocial - Backend Engineer (2017-09 - 2019-04) @Taipei

Build a No-code platform. People can present their products at social media easily by clicks. Also can attract customers by hosting activities in the platform.

  1. Optimize AWS architecture. (Packer + Terraform)
  2. Dockerize applications and build CI/CD solutions. (Bitbucket + CircleCI + Lambda + ECS)
  3. Develop REST API by PHP, Node.js, Python.
  4. Build Gitlab CI and runner with Docker.
  5. Build an automated solution to obtain and renew SSL certificates. (Docker + certbot + Let's Encrypt + ACM)
  6. Build QA Environments. (Jenkins + kops + kubernetes + helm)
  7. Build internal websites with SSL. (kubernetes + cert-manager + helm) (caddy + docker)
  8. Build producer-consumer solutions. (go + AWS SQS)

華阜科技 repaas - Backend Engineer (2016-07 - 2017-08) @Taipei

Build an online POS service of restaurant business and fitness.

  1. AWS: EC2, ECS, S3, SQS, SES, IAM, RDS
  2. Docker: MySQL, Memcached, Redis, MongoDB, mongodump
  3. Develop REST API. (Java, Play Framework)
  4. Implement scheduled tasks. (Serverless.js, Node.js, Redis)
  5. Implement the e-invoice API.
  6. Dockerize and deploy with GitLab CI.

ASUS - Software Engineer (2015-03 - 2016-02) @Taipei

System & Process Team
Develop automation test system and tools.

  1. Maintain Jenkins CI projects and machines.
  2. Implement an Android app automated test system. (Python, Bash)
  3. Implement REST APIs. (node.js + oracledb + express)
  4. Generate weekly test report by Bootstrap.
  5. Code review with Gerrit.
  6. Write Android APP test scenarios. (Robotium, Calabash Framework)

Freelancer - Android Developer (Part Time)(2014-06 - 2015-03) @Taipei

Develop Android applications.

  1. Social App:
    1. Optimize user experience with a UI/UX designer by using serveral components.(Actionbar/NavagationBar/Fragment/ViewPager/ListView/TableLayout/Dialog)
    2. Implement calendar feature with a backend engineer. (Soap)
  2. Product Promotion App: Introduce products with images and tables.
  3. Chat App: Communicate with GCM and implement backend service by PHP.

研華科技 ADVANTECH - QA Automation Engineer (Intern)(2013-09 - 2014-02月) @Taipei

In DQA team.

  1. Develop an automated tool for managing test. (C#)
  2. Write unit test for testing web page. (Java, Selenium Framework)